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Northern_Entcommented3 years ago
So, can BSF do this contest again next year?
BTW all breeders should have outdoor prizes.
likes 9
Benzelscommented3 years ago
@Northern_Ent, Thats a really good point I totally forgot about....All these indoor comps are not exactly eco friendly are they? If anything the seed comps should be trying to get a few more pple growing outdoors like nature intended. We only started growing under lights when the law cracked down on outdoor back in the 80s and early its legal in alot of areas-pple should be encouraged to get back outside and grow.
Northern_Entcommented3 years ago
@Benzels, outdoors is inexpensive, can be bigger yield per plant, and compared to indoor weed it creates a tiny fraction of the carbon emissions. Indoor weed is super carbon intensive (lights, heat, air conditioning, CO2 generators) but outdoor can be done with nearly zero emissions.
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Benzelscommented3 years ago
@Northern_Ent, Yep. Not fair us outdoor growers are always left out. Its actually harder to grow outdoors where you cant control mother nature and one big squall or thunder storm can half shred your plants (and when they heal they look amazing in pics all twisted with gnarled stems and weird growth shapes) Example-I had bugs FIM one of my plants this year outside 3 or 4 weeks sooner then I would have done it and now I have a very weird shaped bush. But the indoor growers who get it easy get all the comps. So not fair.
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Mrs_Larimarcommented3 years ago
Only Outdoor cultivation?
And only BSF. Well very courious who is Stepping up
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Mrs_Larimarcommented3 years ago
@BSFseeds,thank you for the information.
maybe you repeat the outdoor contest next spring?
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BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @Mrs_Larimar, tenemos 3 concursos / Master Exterior / Master Interior / Creative Plants. Descúbrelos y participa.
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Mrs_Larimarcommented3 years ago
@MrHightimes,well i dont think I participate.
enough space for all grower to get prices
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Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
I don’t understand why this is an outdoor competition announcement at the end of the season. Who’s got BSF seeds growing outdoors right now? Practically nobody.
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Rolando45commented3 years ago
Yo tengo en exterior y en tierra madre, emisferio sur Argentina
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Benzelscommented3 years ago
@Papa_T, nah I only saw convo in Comp section so I didnt see anything like that, but it doesnt matter if U admitted anything or not...your canadian so its fine mate!! not sure why but us aussies kinda see you guys like our cousins for some reason... lols. So you get out of this one just like that anyways. Anyways Im still trying to wrap my head around a legal seed bank in a legal country sending seeds to an illegal country for a comp winner growing semi legal buds outside (its decrim in my state but not legal)
Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
@Benzels, yeah I suppose you clearly didn’t read the rest of the thread where I admitted being wrong.
No I’m Canadian lols 😜
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Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
Nice strategy.. start a huge $ contest and add 30 days to the “days left “ every month.
I’m all behind contests and promoting seed companies thru these paid events but I’ve lost respect for you guys with this stunt.
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GYOweedcommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, yup. Mostly American or DNA, OSS is consistent too. Female seeds was legit too but the Dutch wanna charge stupid shipping and conversion and tax f that shit. Ima do my first local order here in NV from 9th island genetics on 420
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@GYOweed, Lol 90% of seed banks and genetics companies are just chucking pollen and doing zero actual selective breeding.. but damn once you find a company in that 10%, you’ll know it.
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GYOweedcommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, they just chuck american clones. Atleast im selective.... ;)
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JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
Bsf is ????.... Im new to these terminology... Is that a seed bank???. Or a particular strand ???
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Marianolstcommented3 years ago
@BSFseeds, re manija tremendas Genéticas BSF
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BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @JamMAKEcan, somos BSF Bigger, Stronger, Faster, un banco de semillas de cannabis! Descubre todas nuestras variedades en y participa en los tres torneos que tenemos para ti: Master BSF Indoor, Master BSF Outdoor y Creative Plants.
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Mrs_Larimarcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan,never heard from them too.
But that may be the reason for doing Competitions here. to get known
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Diariosdeindoorbaratocommented3 years ago
Algunos inflaron la cocecha un poquito, otros no completaron el diario y otros pusieron genéticas de otros bancos cuando las reglas decían claramente seguimiento solo de genéticas de bsf...pero suerte a todos!!! #nosfuimos
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Diariosdeindoorbaratocommented3 years ago
@BSFseeds, no pasa nada, la mejor planta la tuve yo, yo ya gane, saludos
BSFseedscommented3 years ago
@@Diariosdeindoorbarato, Lamentamos mucho el error. Efectivamente la plataforma aleatoriamente seleccionó a ganadores, nosotros dentro de los siguientes días daremos a los ganadores correctos.
Microsemillacommented3 years ago
@@Diariosdeindoorbarato, excelente, era bastante extraño la verdad. Saludos
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TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
pretty specific contest means you have had to have grown their strains this year outdoors lol I can not see many diaries being able to win. Kinda hard as growers cant read peoples mind or tell the future lol so biasically you will be around late flower or close to harvest when entering which I suppose is smart for the people running it but for the growers yeah not very practical but hey good luck anyway.
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Diariosdeindoorbaratocommented3 years ago
@Marianolst, los cultivadores Argentinos no tienen nada que envidiar amigo.
Marianolstcommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show,No es sarcasmo. Un saludo y buenas cosechas
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TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@Marianolst, I can't work out weather that's sarcastic or not.
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ChachoGreenCrowncommented3 years ago
Only strains of BSF
Indoor cultivation of 2021
Complete to harvest
Full diary
Global participation
Single winner
Follow our social networks
Que pasa con los requisitos??? BsF deberíais revisar eso.....
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RegadorDeCactuscommented3 years ago
@BSFseeds, que paso?? Aparrzco como ganador en la plataforma ... regalen una polera por ultimo jaajaj
ChachoGreenCrowncommented3 years ago
@BSFseeds, perfecto 👌🏻
BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @ChachoGreenCrown, Hubo un error de la plataforma, muy pronto anunciaremos a los ganadores correctos de nuestros concursos.
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Lacocinadelduendecommented3 years ago
No deja inscribirse, pongo participar ahora y me dice es para indoor pueden arreglar eso por favor
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Diariosdeindoorbaratocommented3 years ago
@BSFseeds, está semana no se duerme mucho en casa! Jajaja #nosfuimos
BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @Lacocinadelduende, pudiste participar?
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GrowDiariescommented3 years ago
@Lacocinadelduende, please try again
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R1pp3rcommented3 years ago
Como agrego mi diario, lo empecé hoy
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R1pp3rcommented3 years ago
@BSFseeds, Si! Me pidieron unos datos y salió que estaba participando aún que no veo mi diario entre los que están concursando
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BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @R1pp3r, pudiste participar?
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BarBaT0z777commented3 years ago
Me dice que no puedo participar porque no tengo ningun diario. Pero tengo 2
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BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @BarBaT0z777, pudiste participar?
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GrowDiariescommented3 years ago
@BarBaT0z777, Please try again.
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Dingle_Danglecommented3 years ago
Never heard of BSF before... Curious to see if someone did 😅
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BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @Dingle_Dangle, somos Bigger, Stronger, Faster ! Conócenos más en
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Microsemillacommented3 years ago
Quiero conectar mi diario pero dice ops! Error
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yiyoweedcommented3 years ago
Hola! una pregunta, que pasa si cultivo finalizará después de la fecha del concurso? Porque la temporada de exterior acaba de comenzar en el hemisferio sur y el cultivo tomará más de 100 días en estar listo
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Gonzabsfcommented3 years ago
Me pasa lo mismo, no puedo inscribirme, por q supuestamente no tengo ningun diario y ya cree uno especifico para indoor, en el caso del concurso de interior.
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Diariosdeindoorbaratocommented3 years ago
6 días más, ansiedad al 500 % jajajaja suerte a todos!
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BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @HAN_GROWER17, Actualmente estamos en proceso de elegir a los ganadores de todos nuestros concursos. Estos los comunicaremos por este mismo medio dentro de pocos días.
HAN_GROWER17commented3 years ago
@BSFseeds, Hola que sucede con el concurso de las plantas creativas?
BSFseedscommented3 years ago
@@Diariosdeindoorbarato, Atento esta semana !
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Microsemillacommented3 years ago
Me siento defraudado con los resultados. Algunos de los ganadores lejos quedaron de si quiera entrar una planta en flora, mientras otros cultivadores mostramos hasta la fumada y el cogollo seco y quedamos fuera de todo saludo.
pero aqui va el mio..
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BSFseedscommented3 years ago
Hola @Microsemilla, Hubo un error de la plataforma, muy pronto anunciaremos a los ganadores correctos de nuestros concursos
GangbudsGenesgdlcommented3 years ago
bigger stronger faster 💪nos fuimos 👊😎 🙌 mexico ya esta esa moby D 👌
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GYOweedcommented3 years ago
@GangbudsGenesgdl, try viagra
GanjaFarmerEu420commented3 years ago
10x winners is better then one.
I think another personal accept this
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RegulARcommented3 years ago
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