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SensiSeedscommented2 years ago
Best of luck to everyone, and we hope you have an excellent fall! 🙌
likes 10
BostonGirlGrowscommented2 years ago
Some great prizes! Good luck to all those who qualify 🌱 👊🏻
likes 8
Anonymous_2022commented2 years ago
Good luck Growmies 💚
likes 4
Mooncatcommented2 years ago
Damn Germany wtf did you do again...
There goes my chance lol.
Anyway GL Growmies😋
likes 3
GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@Weed_marseille, Like making you retreat?
Weed_marseillecommented2 years ago
@Mooncat, l'Allemagne en aura toujours trop fait ! 😁
MrHightimescommented2 years ago
Nice prize pack! love the sweats!
likes 3
m0usecommented2 years ago
I would love a matching set of joggers and a hoodie!
Sadly never grew any branded seeds from Sensi Seeds or White Label Genetic Seeds
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Chow_13commented2 years ago
Boo, No shipping to North America. Good luck everybody that joins.
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Hashycommented2 years ago
Gutted no UK either. Good luck everyone.
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Mismatascommented2 years ago
@SensiSeeds,porque han cambiado las clasificaciones de los primeros puestos una vez elegidos los ganadores?
Hashycommented2 years ago
@SensiSeeds, my bad I didn't read the rules correctly. Doh.
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SensiSeedscommented2 years ago
@Hashy, Good morning, I hope you're having a great day!
Of course the competition is open to applicants from the United Kingdom :)
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CropHouseLewcommented2 years ago
I grew Blackberry Cake for my last grow and the flavour after an 8 week cure was insane!
Would love to do another run 👊
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IbeBryBrycommented2 years ago
I bet plenty of us outside the specified area would gladly do some journals and contest just for the swag.
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GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@Weed_marseille, Your comment is a huge red flag, but you should be waving a white one instead.
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Weed_marseillecommented2 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, wooooo wooo les gars c'est pour nous autre ce concours. Nous qui vivons dans la prohibition ! Bisous les cousins.
GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@IbeBryBry, Likely would have had plenty more if they had an announcement at the beginning of the year. Wish all outdoor comps did that, that way you can choose to grow one of their seeds that year, rather than choose on your own, and then not be able to contend because you went with one of the other billion breeders out there.
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Kndfgcommented2 years ago
Having a look through the competes and see that most are indoor growers. My opnion is that the 2 mandarin by Salokin and Zurban are looking very nice, also because they made good pictures.
I also only see 3 outdoor growers, from which I am the only autoflower outdoor. This is very different from growing indoor and outdoor autoflower is again different from feminized outdoor.
But anyway, I am very curious already who is coming out as a winner if they take all of this in camparison.
May the best win ofcourse!
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Kndfgcommented2 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, I only found out about growdiaries after I finished my grow.
GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@Kndfg, I'm curious how an unfinished diary can beat out complete grows
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Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
Bonjour les amis svp je cherche une grosse indica bien sédatif pour la nuit et si possible chez sensi seed je vous pose la question vue que vous en avez tous fais pousser ? Des suggestions ? Merci d avance et bonne fêtes à vous tous
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Weed_marseillecommented2 years ago
@Kmikaz420, Michka !
DogDoctorOfficialcommented2 years ago
Congratulations to the winners, well deserved <3<3<3 and happy new year to all <3<3<3
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1guy2plantscommented2 years ago
Good luck everyone! great prizes!
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Weed_marseillecommented2 years ago
L'année commence bien ! J'ai gagné le concours. 😱🧑🌾
Représente Marseille, la France 🥐 et ses nombreux jardins secrets. 🌿
Pas merci a la politique de prohibition de mon pays !
Merci Sensi Seed, Grow Diary et à tout celle et ceux qui font pousser des graines.
Weed_marseillecommented2 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, en effet je démarre vraiment trop vite ! Bien à toi.
GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@Weed_marseille, Doesn't need to, especially when it shows that you didn't win first, or even second or third.
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Weed_marseillecommented2 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, ton sarcasme ne me touche absolument pas ! 😘
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Mismatascommented2 years ago
Ayer estaba en sexto puesto y hoy nos bajan en la clasificación, pero PORQUE?
Mismatascommented2 years ago
Mismatascommented2 years ago
Hola, quisiera saber quien vota a los participantes, gracias