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Grower of the Month February 2025

Shipped by Sponsors
62 Growers participating
Results to be announced soon

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners



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m0usecommenteda day ago
weird month, I was away for more then half of it and still placed top 3, somethings off...
All_our_small_plantscommented21 hours ago
Habe ich gemacht und es sind Aufjedenfall 6 Fragen. Vieleicht ist es so wie du sagst und in den kommenden Tagen wechselt das leaderboard
m0usecommenteda day ago
try and find the questions that your linked to and see if that's the case. always good to have the data then present it to GD. Maybe the whole scoreboard will change in the next few days and update??? but I think AsNoriu climbed the ladder so it was counting some questions corectly.
All_our_small_plantscommenteda day ago
Und ich tauche nicht auf der Liste auf und habe sicher bei einige fragen die zu einem Tagebuch gehören, meine Antwort als richtig markiert bekommen, aber tauche trotzdem nicht auf...
AsNoriucommented12 days ago
@growdiaries do you follow your own rules ?????? "must have at least 1 public diary with completed harvest" I see people without diaries on leader board ....
Ultravioletcommented11 days ago
Starting to sound like me. Wah
00110001001001111Ocommented11 days ago
they do a fairly good job weeding out the trash in this contest. people get removed and scores adjusted after the contest for as long as i've been here. I'm sure there's plenty of cheating just like in all the other contests that goes uncaught. It's silly to single this one out when it happens in all of them every month. When motivation exists, corruption follows. It is the human condition that is the problem.
AsNoriucommented12 days ago
@All_our_small_plants think delay could be related to page version update, they will update the list, at least thats how it was in past in very similar situations.
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AsNoriucommented18 days ago
"Also you should add silica first, ph down to 6.2 then add nutrients" What about such statement ???? I had some nutes which were drifting my ph so heavily after adding them, that you could easily kill plant. Adjusting PH is last thing you do before watering plants, or i am wrong and i was doing it all the time wrong ??? Same with silica, adding it in early veg stages, is it even needed, wont it midget out my plant ?????
00110001001001111Ocommented13 days ago
with common sense concentrations that anyone would put into a substrate or reservoir, there's not much to worry about with any of the ingredients. ph-balancing twice is unnecessary. just do it at the end. If pH drift is occuring, that is more about an unbuffered solution. That's a manufacturer that didn't hire a chemist. It's really easy to see if anything went haywirere... any solids at the bottom? if not, then no precipitate formed and nothing to worry about. i use calcium nitrate (15-0-0) and the directions are extra anal just in case... just to cover their asses and be safe. I also use a 0-46-0 triple superphosphate that has similar percentage of Ca as calcium nitrate (both around 18%). I'm instruct to mix the cal nitrate separately but i add the TSP to the other part of the fertiizer. Now, it's added in much smaller dose but initialy it's a similar concentration of calcium. I've never seen a precipitate even though it is similar to adding the caclium nitrate which is specifically instructed not to do for fear of precipitates forming. It's better to be safe, but you'd have to really fuck up to cause a precipitate, is my experience. Like adding a bunch of calcium to yout base fertilizer then not immediately mixing it and let it sit for hours, lol. might get a high enough concentration dissolving around the mass of solid cal-nitrate or wahtever and potentially high enough to react with the dissolved sulfur and form insoluble gypsum (precitpitate).
Hashycommented14 days ago
I used Shogun Silicon and that's a strange way of doing it, recomended if making 10L solution to mix 10ml of Silicon into 8L of water after mixing then Ph it to 6-7, then mix nutes into the seperate 2L water one at a time then once all nutes are in the 2L water, put that into the 8L of water, mix check ph and adjust if needed. Very stoned so may not make much sense.
Ultravioletcommented14 days ago
Apparently, If you ever decide to run Advanced Nutrients rhino skin (silica) - You do not need to add it first, I was confused after reading this because like yourself I always read it was always first no exceptions. Absolutely right. Adding nutrients will shift pH, so it's better to adjust pH last. If you knew prior or had calculated for the reaction, you could forgive the oversight, but it is fairly complicated, so I can't see a rational reason for complicating the process. Silica itself is conflicting. Cannabis is a dicot-higher plant, and silica is mostly unavailable to dicot plants. Monocots can accumulate up to 5-10% silicon in their tissue, while dicots accumulate less than 0.5%. The primary site of silica absorption is the plant's roots and as far as I know, can't apply foliar either—a transpiration-driven transport chain through the xylem. Not saying it doesn't help but I feel it's overexaggerated, throw a little diatomaceous earth, and your good for an entire grow.
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00110001001001111Ocommented9 days ago
So, nobody wants to win this month? Geez, where are the trolls? They could placace 1-2-3 without any effort.
00110001001001111Ocommented8 days ago
several times in the past while they do updates or whatever, these sorts of variables get reset. Just as your diaries will becomes eligible to enter a 2nd contest, if you stick around long enough ('you' plural, not singular in this case). When they do site maintenance a lot of those variables reset, it seems.
AsNoriucommented8 days ago
I can't get points, but somehow i am on the board ... won in November, so March event is first were i should be listed. ..
Krisiscommented9 days ago
Looks like barely any questions get resolved so noone gets any points lol
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Krisiscommented5 days ago
There’s so little drama here these days that a one time contest comment section has went chaotic. I think it needs to come back this way instead. Any takers? LOL
AsNoriucommented4 days ago
@Krisis there is 2 people in top3 , that should not be there ... isn't it enough ??? ;))))) Still don't know, should i resign, o f@ck it . I know 100% that GD is informed with situation, still no actions .... I dm'ed them, wrote messages here and under V2.0 article,where they even responded , but nothing changed .... I am still pissed, that Organoman was scammed ...
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ATLien415commented3 days ago
Ultravioletcommented7 days ago
"Sweet mind, bitter practice "Sweet practice, bitter mind."
DaddyPrime2commented10 days ago
these dont update very well do they?
00110001001001111Ocommented9 days ago
This has always been slow to update. Maybe they check it as answers come in for cheating? maybe, just whimsically how it works. think what uv meant, was that the new updates and anything mildly related could be causing some temporary issue with function, which is also very possible.
DaddyPrime2commented9 days ago
wdym? it just seems weird lol
Ultravioletcommented10 days ago
-2.0 More like.
Mrs_Larimarcommenteda month ago
m0usecommenteda month ago
Cool stuff! Best Of Luck Grand Cru!