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Pets & Pot Contest 2020 by FastBuds

Shipped by Sponsors
83 Photos participating
5 years ago

Pets Picture Contest 2020 by Fast Buds

Calling all animal lovers!! This one's just for you! We want you to show off your best animal friend and your Fast Buds genetics together in one photo. Whether you have a cat, dog, fish or toad, if it’s an animal, they can join in on the Fast Buds fun!

Have fun with it and raise your paws if you’re excited because we can’t wait to see your babies together!



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Fast_BudsPinned by GrowDiaries5 years ago
We have a month left, y'all!! We're loving these photos so far, and with all that's going on in the world right now, they are bringing a bit more joy to it! Get your entries in before it's over =)
Fast_BudsPinned by GrowDiaries5 years ago
Hey everyone!! Winners have been chosen, but trust us this was one of the most difficult to choose, as honestly, they are all such winning photos!! We ended up giving 4 places as it was just too hard to choose between some of them. Big congratulations to all the winners!!! And of course thank you all for participating and sharing your beautiful pets with us! This contest has been nothing but a pleasure. We will be contacting the winners shortly to work out shipping the prizes. Thanks again everyone, and hope to see you all in our next contest!
GreenHouseLabcommented5 years ago
2 x Zkittlez at week 12 with my Akita (guardian of the garden lol)
Silverback_Guerillacommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, Indeed...big dogs for life! I've got a half saint bernard and half great pyrenees that weighs in at 180lbs..and she only became the "biggest" when my great dane died a few months ago.
Litngrncommented5 years ago
@GreenHouseLab,shed they said, my after brushing my girl Akita mutiple times a week especially in spring it would appear I was shearing sheep in my back yard🤣
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@GreenHouseLab, What a Gorgeous puppers 😍!!!!
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Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
As much as I would love too, my dog's favorite past time is running through the trees and bushes in my back yard. He picks up way too many hitchhikers to be near my room 🙄🕷️🐜🐛🐕
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, hahaha, he's a cutie!!! 💚🐶
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, well, I got a little creative with a collage so it probably wont conform to the rules of the comp, but I wanted to show off my big boy anyway. Big Mutts rule!
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, I'm brainstorming 😉
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Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
Hi Community, Thy for sharing those cute Pictures of your pets… It sweetend my Morning
Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, 🙁 take care of yourself during this difficult time💚
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@Master_weeda, No I have no Fastbuds Diary,,,
Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, did you post one?
Momgrowsthechroniccommented5 years ago
Thank you to all of the world’s healthcare providers and frontline workers battling against Covid 19. All of us- no matter where you live- owe these folks a debt of gratitude for your courage, selflessness and hard work through these unprecedented and historic times. Please stay at home if you can, donate any additional personal protective equipment you may have kicking around the house or workplace and safely reach out to vulnerable people within your community if you are able to help- grocery shopping, prescriptions, etc. If we all stick together as a planet- we can beat this! Thank you once again to all of those working through Covid and our thoughts and prayers are with you. 😷👏👏👏
WeedTheNorthcommented5 years ago
@Momgrowsthechronic, Bravo 👏👏👏 well spoken thanks for sharing!! 🇨🇦👊🙏
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@Momgrowsthechronic, Most definitely!!! A MASSIVE applause for all of those working to help us through this!!! 👏👏👏 👏👏👏 👏👏👏 👏👏👏. Stay Home, y'all!
Wachsemiliancommented5 years ago
thatis a wonderful contest 😍...good luck to everyone who loves cats as much as i do😎👍🙏
Wachsemiliancommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds,a😂😂😂a good one
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@Wachsemilian, Cats are Purrrfect!! 💚
GreenHouseLabcommented5 years ago
Only thing missing is a tiger 🐅 We’ll keep that for the next one 😂 😂😂
GreenHouseLabcommented5 years ago
@WildeWeed, wouldn't that be something
WildeWeedcommented5 years ago
@GreenHouseLab, We really need to start the Joe Exotic vs Carole “fuckin” Baskin cage match to the death for charity only available on animal planet petition.
GreenHouseLabcommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, I wonder if Bulbi has been with Carole Baskins as of late, he is bitter and we haven't seen him...
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Italninjacommented5 years ago
Hi Buds! i'm glad to introduce you Punny the balck cat! Punny loves : food , sleep , rest on the sofa...but music is the real passion! His favorite playlist ? Close to me-th ( The Cure ) Stand by me-th ( B.E. King) Dont stand so close to me-th ( The Police ) ...😁😁😁
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@Italninja, hahaha that made me-th laugh =). Punny has great music taste!!
MiPotFarmcommented5 years ago
My photo of our California Snow by @fastbuds with our family pet “Leroy” the baddest cat in town!! We rescued him from a animal shelter 5 years ago for our children! He has made quite an impact on our family since! Leroy is a special cat he had never even used a litter box he goes in and out of the house like a dog except without the pain of hooking him to a chain lol my wife hit him with our car two years ago broke his jaw and was near death! We had to take him to the vet every two days for 3 weeks to get iv’s for fluid because his kidneys were shutting down because he couldn’t eat or drink with the pin in his mouth! He racked over $2,000 in vet bills and at the ending it the the vet gave us bill it showed every expense on it, but we get to the bottom and the balance was zero 0!! We couldn’t believe it! God bless them at the vet for saving our dear Leroy! We are forever in their debt! 💚🤟💯🙏🇺🇸
MiPotFarmcommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Yes we were very fortunate , 🙏 Thank you 💯
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@MiPotFarm, Such a great Vet!!!... And the Picture of your Leroy is lovely . He lies there like ppl in Holiday, Like enjoying the nice tree above him
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
Hey everyone!! We can't wait to see y'alls Fast Buds babies and your furry, scaly, slimy, etc babies together in one photo!! 🐶🐱🐭🐰🐷🐸🐍🐢🦎🐥🐟 Remember, strains are Fast Buds only, and you're welcome to enter as many photos/diaries as you'd like! Good luck, everyone!!!
Silverback_Guerillacommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, I don't get it...the Join button disappeared after I entered my first how do I submit more than one?
Lady_NugWitchcommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, how does one do this??
dalemaccommented5 years ago
Right in my wheelhouse. This otter be fun. However... here's a question or two... 1) Can I enter more than one photo from a diary? 2) Can I enter photos from more than one diary?
Silverback_Guerillacommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, This doesn't seem to be true..I can only select one diary and one photo from that diary...
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@dalemac, You can enter as many photos from as many diaries you'd like =) The more the merrier!! Can't wait to see what you have in store 💚
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
This is easily my favorite contest on GD right now and Im not participating, haha. Seeing your growing companions is awesome! They're all so unique and sweet. @budlovinmom72, a hundred times, yes. She wrecked it, but man, can't stay mad at that little face 😅 Good luck to you all. Regardless of who wins, I love all the little ones and I'm happy you have your grow buddies with you☺️👌. Cheers all.
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, No doubt. It's nice to come here and look because I can't help but smile. Really need that right now. Thanks for putting this on, FastBuds. It's for FastBuds only, but I feel it's for everyone to enjoy, regardless of participation. Cheers and thanks a bundle for the smiles👍😃
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, Isn't it great!! Bringing a bit of happiness to a chaotic world. =) haha
babajanacommented5 years ago
my cat loves wathing and analises how good i'm doing my job and never tuches anything until i give him some leavs 🐯🍀
HylianGrasscommented5 years ago
My quality inspector, she knows what’s good 👍🏻 I know the contest say “weed plant” and my picture shows a week old fastberry plant but its woth the try😂 good luck to all , there is some preety good looking pic in there👊🏻👍🏻
Darkwarsongscommented5 years ago
So many pretty animals and fantastic shots.. I'd have a very hard time picking just 3 and still 56 days to go. Good luck guys.
dr_Thompsoncommented5 years ago
Grey cat likes Fast Buds and leaves very much😻☺️ 2x stardowg and a faithful companion of defoliation🌱🍃✂️
freshwaterjellyfishcommented5 years ago
Are Canadians allowed in this one?
GreenHouseLabcommented5 years ago
@freshwaterjellyfish, of course Rep
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@freshwaterjellyfish, Of course! Everyone is welcome to join =)
ElChicoDelaWeedcommented5 years ago
vamos a probar suerte en este gran concurso, pronto mandaré mi foto pues ya tengo una idea de lo que estoy maquinado, jejeje, suerte a todos,ya hay buen material 💪👍👌✋
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@ElChicoDelaWeed, A ver a ver! Tengo ganas ver las fotos =). Nos encanta este concurso!
Master_weedacommented5 years ago
Good luck to all the participants! 🤞🍀I'm coming! just until my dog Gina gets beautiful for the photo 😉
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@Master_weeda, Can't wait to see your entries!