
newly exposed leaf locations are yellow

GaiaGanjasstarted grow question 4 years ago
light burns and yellowing appear on the tips of the rain. there is an intense yellow color on the newly released jam leaves. I applied calmag last week, is it too much? Do you think I will make the next 2 irrigation without fertilizer?
Week 4
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
your plant is fine, the tips of dome plants burn like that when they are about to flower, you are running a auto and it is tie for that plant to start flower, remember now the plant is in flower and it is focusing energy to those bud sites, so now is the time to start using nutrients to feed those bud sites to get some nice fat buds, as far as the tips you could start dropping your dosage of nutrients, namely the use of nitrogen, as far as worry about those tips I would say if they are bothering you, take a pair of scissors and cut them off and you will be fine, either way though I would not be concerned, keep your eye on ph levels, and ph of your run off.
Selected By The Grower
AmnZhzanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi mate, imo the plant is fine, but the next time you water give half nutes just to be sure.
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Burmeseanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey there, I saw yellow tips on your plant that could be nutrient burn because of overfeed.Normally new leaves are pale in colour when they close to start flowering.But when they are compared to dark green leaves,there will be much different in colour.Dark green leaves could lead to Nitrogen toxicity when start flowering.So be careful on feed nutes and for now just water with plain pHed water or if getting worse you should flush with plain pHed water around pH 6.5.
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GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
First thing to think of when you are normally feeding and new leaves start to come out lighter than normal is your nutes are starting to build up in there. Always water feed and when watering give her enough that 15 to 20% is running out the bottom, so there is enough water to keep your nutes from building up in the first place. You'll never need to flush if you keep the regiment up. For now like Bongkan says. Plain ph water, if your in bloom 6.2 if veg 5.8
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Bongkhananswered grow question 4 years ago
she looks great and the light green tint in middle leaves on new growth only and i see 1to 2mm slight green tips too; seems a little overfeed and so sudden ph change may have occurred. just water with plain phed water at 6.3 to feel just like the bottom of pot is wet and let it dry out completely and then begin with half dosage on next feed. also phed to 6.3 to 6.5.
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YourGrowmieanswered grow question 4 years ago
It could be Potassium deficiency. Or maybe you overfeeded. It could be also heat stress if so..
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MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey buddy :-) looks really great 😍👍 It is nice and dark and looks good in food :-) Cal / mag I would continue to give extra, you can skip feeding as you say 2 times and then continue with half a dose times 👍🙏🏻
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