Hi there! I found some strange brown spots on my tangerine dream, which are spreading. It looked like a burn, but the ,,burnt“ patches are not crunchy! Do you guys know what it could be?
Hey there, that looks like a "random" pH fluctuation , as i can see from the splotchiness of the spots and the burnt tips which is a sign of some kind of metal absorption problem probably due to a watering raising the pH temporarily . But if the leafs arent really drying out like if it was affected by nutrients maybe they're "variegated" leafs , but i've never seen it go like that . Hope this helps ! 🚀
This is caused when a ph fluctuates and also during sulphur deficiency. Try adjusting ph and give in some calcium magnisum and sulphur to correct this. Giving only sulphur wont help ; as it requires calcium and magnesium to synthesize it.