it's not you rlight.. put it back or that will compound the problem... you can tell becaue the top leaves are not damaged.
you know it's a mobile nutrient. have you been feeding? you likely have overfed. no big deal, at least half do that, the othe rhalf do the opposite and a few get lucky their first few times in some cases.
so, i'd water in a wet-dry cycle.. wait for top 1/2"to dry.. although if you have been feedign from beginnign a gently flush is in order -- don't disrubpt roots by flooding the heck out of it...
If you haven;t been feeding, give a little and have some runoff to ensure no buildup from previous behaviours not listed here.
mostly depends on previous behaviour.. wait and see in both cases, but one solution might invoev a little fertilizer.
control what you can control, and learn to now think about the things you cannot control. stay away and distract yourself in the meantime..