Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago Hi!
I have not yet grown weed in soil but I have read about it quite alot and I think the best method is to make your own soil with dry amendments, bacteria and mycorhizzae. It does not have to be organic but "NO TILL" is an organic soil growing technique where you just amend the soil before planting and water only with pH'ed water and some hydrocarbons (sugars/food) for the bacteria and fungies from start to finish.
The idea with bacteria and dry amendments is this: Bacteria will break the solid stuff to usable form for plants and you only need good watering practice so right amounts of nutes are realeased and I've read and watched that once you get your soil right, it is really really easy growing.
Mycorhizzae fungi will make symbiose with the plants root and the fungi will eat sugars either from the soil or the plant makes it for the fungi and in exchange the fungi will give Nitrogen and Phosphorus for the plant and the fungi will also expand the root zone and give better nutrient uptake and stabilize it too.