
Distilled water

Hazeterpzstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello everyone I am currently using distilled water to water my plants because I don’t have a reverse osmosis but it’s more on the acidic spectrum, that means I need to ph up from 4 to 6,7 and that adds a lot to my EC readings. Idk what is best just go with tap water or like Ido
Feeding. Other
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
There's something wrong with your water. Distilled should be right around 7 or just below. Get a different brand. Also check local groceries for a water fill up station. My local store has Primo RO water and it cost $2 to fill a 5 gallon jug.
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DBannedanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi, Too much worrying about it man, distilled water doesn't have some of the minerals the plants need. In an optimal situation you want spring water. spring water contains essential minerals all plants need. I used both tap water and rain water. With tap water, i let it sit for a day so all chloride evaporates, if in a hurry, Wait 30min-1hr for chloride evaporation and I ph down up with baking soda or ph down with white vinegar. Same process with rain water. Happy grow🌱!!!!!
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FoTwennyanswered grow question 4 years ago
You could always mix the 2 waters. Find the proper ratio that would land you in the range you're looking for. Good luck and happy growing!
Hazeterpzanswered grow question 4 years ago
How can you ph up without adding to the overall EC reading ? If we can’t then is it more healthy for the plant the way I do or just tap water. I nute my distilled water till 1,35 and it goes till 1,75 due to the ph up. Thank for your detailed answers 💯
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