Exactly what Polaskis said. You definitely have bud rot. Depending on severity, you may be able to just cut the moldy pieces off and let her go, but if she’s close to harvest, just chop her and clip off anything that has mold on it. It’s a health risk to smoke anything with mold on it so your best bet is to cut her before it gets worse and closely monitor your other plant.
Second, it does look like spider mites. I had them once and they’re awful to deal with and hard to get rid of. It takes repeated applications of an insecticide which you shouldn’t do this far along in flower when you have buds. Just try to clean off any webs on buds and wipe the undersides of leaves with a damp paper towel(this is where the spider mites and eggs are). And also separate your plants if this is only happening on one.
I had both of these on my first outdoor grow and it sucks. If you’re close to harvest, cut your losses and chop before it gets worse.