My first attempt at a fem and its stunted as. Its looking better than it was last week but its growing pistils is it going to stay miniature or can i get it to grow gets full sun most of the day In decent soil iv grown in before with better results
It definitely did get stunted..but almost cute with it's tiny flower coming in on top.
If you put it with some supplement lighting and boosting the hours up to 18 it would start to grow new leaves and stems and slowly reveg and get bigger until you want to flip to 12/12 and initiate flowering again.
Are you in the Norther Hemisphere ? if so thats why shes trying to flower already.
if you can i would put her under a lamp for 18/6hr to get her to grow a bit more.
Amigo por lo que se ve en la ultima foto la planta se estreso y comenzo a florecer, debe ser por el fotoperiodo que no fue el correcto o otro tipo de estres severo.
Saludos y para la proxima se vendra mejor de seguro amigo