So we've given you two different opinions here Buffy, and that's okay. From the pictures it looks like the plant is missing what it needs in order to not be having all these deficiencies.
To understand how EC changes between fertigation events, it is important to consider what happens to each. Remember, plants do not absorb nutrient solution “through a straw” or “like a sponge”. Water and salts (fertilizers) are taken up by the plant separately. Under normal conditions, water is removed about four times faster than salts are absorbed. As a result, the EC of the nutrient solution in the media will rise between fertigation events.
So even if the EC going in is low, the EC will rise in between fertigation. You're free to try what Harbringer suggests and see how the plant reacts.. but it really looks like you have multiple deficiencies going on at the same time from my perspective.. and If It were me I'd just reset the slate altogether. I'd do the flush and then feed right away so the plant isn't sitting there missing what it needs for even longer. You could even flush and then do a light feed instead of going with 1000 EC right off the bat.. but 1000 EC isn't even that high. Most nutrient mixes at full strength are 2x that..
Refer to this reference to diagnose and come to a solution on your own. Based off the information that we have both given you.