Allright Mate,
🤔 your Damsel is really not looking healthy. The only thing I mentioned is your high Humidity. 10-15% less would be better. Ever heard from VPD? It's the vapor pressure deficit. I would dig into it a bit more... in fact it's a value how fast or slow your Damsel is transpiring....
Example... you feed at a low VPD, your plant eats, but slowly and maybe not enough. So the first signs of troubles appear.. you maybe feed then at a high VPD were the plant is taking up much more Nutes and Fertz. and maybe it's a point were your plant cannot take more and you overfeed it. It's a propper way to poison your Damsel. If you wanna talk more, shoot some words via PM.
I hope you understand my jibberjabber😂😜..
Good luck and happy trails for the rest of the way 🤞