Thanks again for your help. I am starting to get on a regular watering schedule by putting my finger in the soil, then watering if dry. They drink at different rates. An issue might be that I got each of these plants at different stages of development. Clones from one source were much larger and more mature than clones from another source.
Another issue is I keep fooling with too many variables at once. One change at a time, and that is a patience thing that I need to learn.
I believe you answered my earlier question about the yellowing. I took your advice and removed it from the tent and it has improved a bit. Pruned the yellowing leaves on another plant and it hasn't come back yet. The source i got it from told me that particular strain (the mac & cheese) is a bit temperamental so growing it with other strains in the same tent probably wasn't the wisest choice.
Anyway, thanks again. First grow so maybe a lighter touch is in order. Seems the more I fool with them the more problems I have.