After my own personal battle with them, here is what I recommend. Get some Diatomaceous earth, and place it in your soil. This will disrupt the pupal stage of the thrips development. Buy some Amblyseius cucumeris preadtor mites and place these guys on your plants. They actively hunt out and kill the thrip eggs and larvae. The adults shouldn't be an issue once you've interrupted its cycle. The cycle is adult lands on leaves > lays eggs up to 50 per day > eggs are in the soft spots of the plant, underside of leaves, petioles, etc. Eggs hatch into larvae, larvae suck the sap outta your leaves. Larvae get fat, fall off into the soil, pupate, then hatch as adults and go back up to the leaves to start it all over again. This cycle can happen every 7-14 days in optimal conditions.
Best of luck!