No, waste of time.
By the time if/when she does go into re-veg, you could possibly grow a seed that will be twice as big in the same time frame if the plant does re-veg successfully. Waste of time, power and effort. She is also fairly advanced in flowering and would be very resistant to going back into veg growth, if at all. Then there are issues with freaking her out and all sorts of strange things, like going hermaphrodite, which are also possible.
Also, 24 hours of light really isn't all that good for plants. Plants do actually need to "sleep" to undertake certain metabolic processes that will balance her health. On top of this, cannabis can only grow so much during any 24 hour period, and the maximum light cycle that is effective in terms of what you put in to what you get, is about 18 hours max, even for autos. After 18 hours of light, the plant can not respond with any more tangible benefit to growth and anything more than 18 hours is basically a waste of electricity. Up to 18 hours, growth will good "bang for your buck" but after 18 hours your plant just can not keep up any more and needs time to do her night "stuff" and recuperate from the "day" cycle. Or to put it another way, as the amount of light time increases up to 18 hours, growth goes up too, but after 18 hours your plant plateaus, and can not keep increasing growth any further than just 18 hours. So, keeping the lights going any longer, is not really achieving anything other than an increased power bill and very little additional growth as compared to just an 18 hour cycle.
Further, no where in the plants history or genetics, has cannabis or any other plant ever evolved to be able to survive under 24 hours of continuous light. Apart from being a waste of electricity, 24 hour light could induce genetic mutations or disorders that may cause quality issues with flowers. A cannabis plant should be nurtured with patience and kindness, not driven like a machine at redline/maximum revs until it breaks, and this is what will probably happen if you continue to thrash your plants with 24 hour light. It just isn't right, far too long lights on! Plants build up energy during the day to then use that energy during the night to "carry out vital maintenance" and even grow and denying your plants a night/dark cycle, is basically torture.
Hope this helps,....