
5th week of flowering Easy Bud, unsure of when and what to do next.

Bristolguytystarted grow question 3 years ago
end of the 5th week of flowering, the buds are growing but are still very slime but a few of the pistils have turned red. Have some burn on the top leaves, are these going to cause more issues? Are they likely to bulk up anymore? am I looking at another 2 weeks or is it longer?
Week 11
Buds. Not fattening
Leaves. Color - Red or pink
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 3 years ago
I'd say u got a week plus left. Hard to tell without seeing the trichomes. Look into a jewelers loop to be able to inspect them. It's the easiest way to tell. 🤘😤
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Selected By The Grower
Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
I would go one more week then start flush for two weeks to let it fade and harvest. If you think it might bulk up more. Unless most your trichromes are milky cloudy. Can't tell with pics that are not white light. The only issue I see the damaged leaves causing is pride. Beside that its cosmetic at this point. Happy growing and hope that helps. 👊
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