I would find out if it's a deficiency or lockout. Your EC in and out should be between 1.6 and 2.2 (although 2.2 is quite high!). Your pH should be roughly the same going in and out, maybe a .2 variation is okay. These are likely causing most of your problems.
That said, it looks like a P and K toxicity. That is to say that you are giving them too much bloom nutes. If you're using a booster, dial it way back or stop using it altogether.
N deficiency is also possible if you cut it out completely when switching to flower. Even in flower, they need a little N but it's very easy to overdo. They don't take much!
The last possibility is that you're failing on several micronutrients like sulfur, manganese, zinc, etc.
You should be able to figure out with of these issues is most likely by examining your nutrients to find out exactly what they are getting and what they are lacking. My first guess is still a booster mishap.