I wouldn't spray the leaves, it could lead to fungal/mould issues, plus they really don't need it and I wouldn't worry about having EVERYTHING "ideal". Cannabis is a remarkably resilient plant and will perform just fine whatever the "non ideal" parameters might be. Cannabis is not a rain forest plant and has survived for Millenia in very arid places (think Afghanistan, Pakistan) with very dry atmospheres. I believe trying to make sure everything is "absolutely ideal" can stress people out for no benefit. As long as she is kept hydrated and well fed, everything will be just fine.
Have you tried your new meter in multiple positions or did you just put it in the middle right under your light? Unless you take, say 5 readings, that is, one in every corner and one in the centre and then add them up and then divide by five - to find the average, you might discover there is more humidity than you may have thought.
Also, does it really matter if you get 147 grams and not 153 grams? Relax and go with the flow. Watch, listen, observe, and learn how to "read" your plant, once you can get to a basic level of understanding, you will realise that trying to get EVERYTHING absolutely "ideal", may not apply 100% to YOUR grow, YOUR set up, YOUR plants, YOUR techniques, YOUR environment or YOUR preferred nutrients. Learn to observe and trying to develop a "sixth sense" towards your plants will be far more beneficial than worrying about what a 10% fluctuation of relative humidity may or may not cause. Advice on ideal conditions are going to be different in Texas as to what they might be in Montana, and most certainly different between each and every arm chair expert on youtube! Follow your "gut feelings", and develop a Mel_Macallan blue print, that is specific to YOU and YOUR grow.
Also, remove the bowls and towels, these are other things that can host moulds and fungus, that could then potentially spread to your plant.
Besides, your plant does not really need artificial levels of humidity, she will be fine with the local atmospheric humidity levels and any associated fluctuations.
Hope this helps,......