
Gender/Sex Identification

MontanaBlakestarted grow question 3 years ago
Still might be a tad too early but they are fully past the 5th node and pushing the 6th right now. I have a magnifier coming in a few days but if anyone has any help I’d be grateful. Waiting to top until I get genders.
Week 4
Plant. Other
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Too early, there are no signs of preflowers yet, which depend on age, not the number of nodes. Plants will show primordia (pre-flowers) long before flowering in earnest begins and does not require going to 12/12 to initiate primordia, only for decisive flower growth is 12/12 needed. If you intend topping, do so as soon as your plants have reached the size at which you want to top them, do not wait for primordia, topping long before going to 12/12 is best for your plants. For pictures of male and female primordia, and other cannabis behaviour, go to my diary "cannabis conundrums" and in week 7, you will find them. Hope this helps,........ Organoman.
Selected By The Grower
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 3 years ago
It looks like it's a bit too early to tell, I'm not seeing any signs of white hairs or male pollen sacs. I see in your diary that this a photoperiod so you won't start seeing sex until you switch the lights to 12/12, they'll start showing sex about a week after the switch.
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Mooncatanswered grow question 3 years ago
Looks like a Lady to me...
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