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Runoff PH

OutlawzExoticsstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey everyone. I've been trying to solve this out for the last Days but its Hard. Runoff values: 1st one - Ph 5.3 PPM 1136 3rd - Ph 5.4 PPM 660 Anyone has any idea on how to increase soil ph?
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Ciujbauanswered grow question 4 years ago
The common sense it is to put 7 and get middle of 5.7-6 PH , but don't jump too much , if you use 6.0 PH water , first two watering go with 6.5-6.8ph and then jump to 7-7.5 . but hopefully it will get stabilized , that would be the best case scenario I have a guess that PH of soil is around 5 , that's why you put 6PH water and getting out in runoff of 5.3ph or so I found this from a previous question here but the 6PH is x10 more acid than 7PH , that's why I suggested to go by lower values . if you have done it before , try flushing with 6.5PH water
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BraveheartGeneticsanswered grow question 4 years ago
If you're putting in 6 and getting 5 then it seems logical to me to water her 7 to get a ph of 6. That's my thinking anyway, but like I said i wouldn't worry too much about it
OutlawzExoticsanswered grow question 4 years ago
So you think I should water her with 7.5 ph water in order to fix the soil ph? Won't that cause an extreme lockout for the plant?
BraveheartGeneticsanswered grow question 4 years ago
You could just add a more alkaline ph'd water. 7-7.5. the general rule for all plants is ph 5-8. yes of course your plant will love neutral ph'd water but in nature is doesn't.
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OutlawzExoticsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi @ciujbau I always use bottled water, usually with 6.3ph just like u said. So the Only way to up the soil ph is by adding the humic acid?
Ciujbauanswered grow question 4 years ago
Don't think the Cal-mag will do anything to the PH Another suggestion from me : use spring water from shop , measure the ph and the PPM , see how different it is from what you use , if the spring water you buy has around 7.5-8 PH , use some squeezer lemon juice (Spring water i buy has nearly 8 PH , using 4ml lemon juice per litre of water and ph drops to 6-6.3 ) As others have said , soil is a great buffer , depends on what you used first , but should stabilize . Use some 6-6.5 PH water might also add some nutes if the PPM is low enough (compared to what you used so far - but use less)
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OutlawzExoticsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Thank you for the tip @bulbi Was wondering if I add Calmag if It increases
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
add humic acid to normalise the pH of the soil to 6.5 which is a good thing. Hope tihs helps ! 🚀
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OutlawzExoticsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi @BraveHeartGenetics I usually dont measure runoff but I want to find the cause for this problem, all of the leaves are getting affected... Last time I gave nutes It was Only 2ml micro + 2ml bloom.
BraveheartGeneticsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi mate, i used to get so worried about what techniques to use. What's important or not. If you're using soil, I wouldn't bother with run off readings. I was advised I was making it too complicated. As long as what im putting in is right then who cares what comes at the bottom, soil is a great buffer. different if you're using hydroponics or soilless. Good luck, happy growing
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