
Topping with Auto or not?????

Abacusstarted grow question 3 years ago
It's my first grow attemp. i would like to know from you, if with auto in soil i hade to do topping or not.I'm using Barney's purple Punch Auto,but seeing others diaries, i think that my harvest will not be around 60g/plant,but less. Now plants are at the distance level from lamp
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Techniques. Topping
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Topping autos is not advised due to the recovery time taking too much time out of the vegetative growth stage, resulting in the plant flowering with minimal growth time. Low stress training, like tying the branches down and the main stem too, will boost yields without slowing over all growth. I would also advise against defoliation, this just reduces the plants capacity to produce energy, thereby slowing growth. Comparing your grow to other peoples is never helpful, there are too many variables involved with growing, that direct comparisons are not valid. Things like an individual plants genetics/phenotype, light intensity, temps, nutrition, growing techniques, grower experience and general plant health will all affect each and every plants growth rates and yields, making comparisons pointless. Like everything in life, there will always be someone doing things better, just like there will also be others not doing as well either. Hope this helps,.......... Organoman. P.S. - It is also unwise to try and guess yields, weeks from harvest. Something about counting chickens I believe. If you are interested in yields to be proud of, forget autos and grow real plants - photoperiod fems!
Abacusanswered grow question 3 years ago
Do you think I’m doing a good job or not? I see others photo, and mine seems little and thin
Abacusanswered grow question 3 years ago
I don’t wanna topping this time.. obviously is too late.. it was for future
N_e_Oanswered grow question 3 years ago
On @bengrower instagram you can see how he does it. They react quite good. My last grow i made a topping but this time i´m not touching them, only lst. I believe they offer a lot more buds without topping because they are autos and very easily they stress from it. Its useful for growers with a limited space
N_e_Oanswered grow question 3 years ago
The topping is on veg stage, right now u shoulndt stress them. They are still in early flower, the buds will get way bigger. if you want u can defoliate the one with a lot of leaves in order to the light get to down buds. Dont push that too hard. Take out only out a few ones
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