
How much water?

shitscrazybrostarted grow question 3 years ago
How often should i be watering them. I kinda just water it when the soil starts getting dry?
Feeding. Schedule
N_e_Oanswered grow question 3 years ago
Now at the beginning should be more often but after that try to get it almost dry the top 2/3 inches. The lack of water will make them expand their roots lookin for water what is great. U can also water from underneath. At 2nd and 3week i was watering ever 2/3 days. Now already 4/5 days without. When u water them dont do it in once, put a bit, wait till it drops, put a bit more, wait, and so on. U should be watering until starts coming underneath the pot. and that should be around 25% of full capacity of the pot. Btw, the 2 times i covered mines like u are doing i regreted. First of all if u are watering with product some of it should evaporate and get on the leafs and end up killing them.
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GoldenGromieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi yes seedlings just use a spray bottle and spray around them, much easier to not over water. When they get bigger get to know the weight of your pots to know how heavy they are when their fully saturated. If you think they need waterinh put your finger in 1 knuckle deep and if it is dry its time to water. Good luck with the grow buddy
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