How long is determined by what kind of stone you want and im pretty sure you know how to judge trikes so you know its upto you I personally crop when I see a splash of amber and most are cloudy but I am moving away from this because you sacrifice yield for strength and I would sooner have couch lock bud than a low yield in week 8 to 11 the plant really starts to worry cause she hasnt found a mate yet and this will force her for one big push at the end which can usually add alot more to your yield now in my experience clones will finish quicker than seeds because the mother they come from is already a mature plant and every cut is the same age as its mother so if the mum is preflowering when you take the cut this "could" speed up flowering though its not proven. hope this helps bro shes looking dank as f anyway I think you have done a great job should be proud :)