Looks like some kind of mould or fungus to me or bud rot. It seems to be a pretty bad case here :( this looks like Botrytis mold look into ways of fighting it online pal. Best advice i can give is rip out all the effected bits and get them as far away from your plant as possible in a bag in the bin would be fine and then salvage what you ccan from her she does have some green growth left that should encourage new growth but yeah pick off what you can. Best of luck my friend :) here are some tips I found online :) 1.) Remove affected areas as carefully as possible with a sharp knife or scissors from the plant.
2.) Put the moldy buds in a garbage bag.
3.) Clean the damaged area of the plant with isoprophyl alcohol.
4.) Throw the bag of moldy buds away
Los compañeros tienen razón, es botrytis, evita cualquier tipo de humedad en los cogollos, elimina lo más grave y con buena ventilación y con el mínimo de humedad que puedas tener en tu cultivo debería de frenarse y secarse el hongo