The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Slow grow

maxkolonko123started grow question 4 years ago
Hey guys, I've noticed my plants don't grow much, what could be the cause? I'm in week 7 now and those plants in the main pots don't really grow much neither their roots, one was wobly so I tried to move it and I noticed there is one root rather the network of roots.
Plant. Too short
Plant. Other
maxkolonko123answered grow question 4 years ago
@hashy I think what was the culprit to the condition of those small plants probably lack on nice weather, it started really nice when I potted them plenty of sun but after 2 weeks there was almost a month of grey no sun weather so I think it was a shock to system for those plants...
Hashyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Sorry to say this but after 7 weeks and they are only that big there must be something going wrong. I wouldn't bother with them and start some more, maybe leave them and see if they improve but your new ones will probably out grow them in a few weeks.
maxkolonko123answered grow question 4 years ago
@organoman You can always copy links and open in new tab 😉 thanks for advice but I won't give up on those yet, I believe I can still manage to save them maybe it will take longer them normally but hopefully I can fix poor start, which wasn't ideal but as for " outdoor" project I can't do much about weather. Now I got the lamp and weather meant to be nice and sunny. How often and how much I should water them? It seems like soil quickly dry up but shall I just water less or more till there is runoff coming out at the bottom?
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Oh yeah, adding links is not needed, they are "non clickable" on this forum. Unless your substrate is below 5.5 pH or above 7.5 pH, true nutrient lock out will not occur. Cannabis is a remarkably resilient plant and does not need "princess perfect" exact conditions to grow and flower satisfyingly. As you said, "a bit of garden fun" is what growing should be all about and there is no need to stress about having everything 100% "perfect", it does not occur in nature, and who determines exactly what "perfect" really is? pH, in my opinion, is highly over rated when growing in soil, as long as you don't do anything extreme, everything will be fine. After spending the first 10 years of my cultivation journey about getting everything "perfect", I learned it is not essential and for the last 25+ years have given up measuring anything or trying to have everything "perfect". My plants are always satisfying and unless you take your buds to a laboratory, will anyone ever know if their buds have 21.67% THC and not 21.95%?? Or if you harvest 347 grams and not 368 grams, does it really matter?? Cheers, Organoman. (again)
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Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
If these are 7 week old autos, sorry to say, toss them and start again would be my advice, they will never recover from this poor start. Also, fill your pots right up, having the plants down low in the pots stops them receiving a lot of reflected side light, slowing growth further. Besides, plants will only grow as big as their root system can support them, so, - more soil = more roots = more plant. Autos also need bulk light to grow properly, bringing them indoors and giving them some lamp light for a few hours each evening before putting them outdoors ready for the morning sun can help immensely with making vegetative growth. Also, buy the best potting mix you can, the more "premium" quality, the better your plants will grow. You don't need a mix with more than 5% perlite, it is only needed for drainage, something nearly all modern potting mixes do well anyhow and without the need for additional perlite. Perlite being sterile and inert provides your plant with zero nutrition. Try getting some latest release Sweet Seeds Autos, these will blow your mind with their growth. If you are after really big yields, photoperiod plants are the only way to go and picking some fast or early versions will ensure harvest is ready mid September, well before Autumn commences. Again, try some Sweet Seeds "fast versions", they too will blow your mind. Tropicanna Poison FV is awesome, as are Gorilla Girl FV, Crystal Candy FV, Cream Caramel FV, Jack 47 FV and Cream/Red Mandarine, FV, all tested by me and 100% satisfying and potent. And yes, I love Sweet Seeds! Hope this helps,.......... Organoman.
maxkolonko123answered grow question 4 years ago
Yeah when I started to grow weather was great then we had bloody 2-3weeks of rain and grey days so decided nah fk it need to get a lamp but looks like this slowed down my plants a lot should have get the lamp asap
BioBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
You bought the lamp last week? That explains the lack of growth the other weeks :P Im just across the canal and we had some nasty spring weather, there seems to be a break in the weather now, I would try to put them outside more from now on. It was just bad luck ths year with the weather, we just put all our garden seedlings outside last weekend.
maxkolonko123answered grow question 4 years ago
Here is more pics of my plants, from what you can see I planted 3 directly to main 20l pots and 2 are still in temporary pots which I'm planning to pot it soon, just don't know when will be right time?
maxkolonko123answered grow question 4 years ago
It's a autoflower west coast og, which was recommended to me by the chap in the shop here in UK, I'm not mega concerned about the weather cause I bought lamp last week, so when it's grey I keep them in cupboard with the light on for 12-14h see model I've ordered today ph meter and some ph up & down liquids just to be ready once I found out what the rain water ph is from waterbutt
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BioBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi maybe I dont know something the others do, but have you checked if your strain is for your climate? If in Europe we had horrible weather and this could be a factor, too cold, too little sun, too windy... Better weather seems to come, they look otherwise healthy so just wait it out and pray for indian summer.
maxkolonko123answered grow question 4 years ago
Cheers guys, Will buy pH tester and see what is my rain water score, will water more too cause definitely looks dry as you pointed guys was just scared not to over water it, when there is no sun I keep my plant indoor with lamp on
WEEDOORanswered grow question 4 years ago
In addition to what the other growers said, its take time for the flower to develop a root system. in this stage the flower is at the most delicate form so tray not to touch It. keep the PH balanced and give it a lot patience, and also note that you do not watering too much and also that the substrate does not dry out. good luck my friend!!
maxkolonko123answered grow question 4 years ago
So what would best ph to use on my plants now? Between 5.8-6.3 would be fine?
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Sun ph and food in that order is your most important factors. Wrong ph causes ph lockout and to high ec causes nutrient lockout. So a good ph ec tester are your most important tools for growing.
maxkolonko123answered grow question 4 years ago
Hey @Roberts @gmslave Thanks for replies guys, the substrate is black magic potting mix ( + 20% perlite per po, to be honest I never checked ph of water didn't want to be as that fussy cause is a garden fun project, using rain water only and last week I added bio bizz grow
Robertsanswered grow question 4 years ago
So not sure what your growing in.if it is coco and perlite your issues are a substrate ph that is likely too high. Coco needs a run off of 5.8 in vegging and 6.2 in flowering. Also if in coco you need to maintain a 90 to 100 percent saturation of coco. No dry time. Substrate ph if out of range will stop growth and deficiency signs will show soon. Ph is very important in your substrate no matter what you are growing in. Good luck and happy growing
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
No info... ph could be off, did you check the buffering of your grow medium? If your growing in dirt then you should be watering with a ph of 6.3 or 6.5 and it is best to check your runoff ph as well...Cheers
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