I have a bit of an issue with yellowing tips of new leaves. Some of the youngest leaves are twisted and the fan leaves start canoeing. I flushed her yesterday and last week, but before that I upped the nute dose and gave a huge fead. Is is a beginning nute burn?
Ola amigo tudo bem? Isso esta a queimar nutrientes. Mas nada assim muito preocupante pois parece que esta no inicio.
Deves fazer um flush nas plantas que estão assim e depois quando fores regar uma boa dose com ph bem regulado.
Podes não regar com nutrientes sempre, podes alternar isso apenas com agua.
Boa sorte no cultivo
It does look like a little bit of nutrient burn to me. But not too bad. Just back your nutes back down with the next feeding and everything should be fine.
Yes it looks like to much nutrients. I'd give it a good flush. When leaves taco, it's a sign of heat/light stress. Move lights up or dim a little. Too big of feedings is never a good thing, so always measure your nutrients.