After seedling came out above the surface I did big mistake. I remove shell which stuck to cotyledons. It caused the damage one cotyledon and it getting dray and this baby is growing slowly.
Can it be thrived ? How should I treat to get back well this little girl ?
Hi there! Your seedling is a bit damaged but healthy. It will most likely grow slightly slower at the beginning but it will be alright. It's not that easy to kill them 😁
One of my previous plants germinated with a damaged cotyledon, half of it was brown but it did great so you have nothing to worry about.
Good luck with your grow!
Olá amigo, tudo bem?
Penso que pode se ter atrasado um pouco no crescimento, mas vai voltar ao normal depois de recuperar. Parece me saudável. Já agora boa sorte no teu cultivo e abraço