Not sure what this weird discolouration is from.
I panicked and cut the bud off in case it was a disease or something. No other places on the plant have similar thing happening.
Any ideas?
Cela semble un champignon sans doute un début de botrytis ou de mildiou . Il m'a semble voir des traces blanches sur les feuilles donc sans doute un peu d'oidium. Bref sans déterminer de façon certaine le type je reste persuadé que c'est une attaque de champignons ... En même temps c'est la saison. Dans tout les cas je vous invite à regarder sur Google les diverses solutions même si vu votre avancée dans la culture culture je pense que le mieux c'est de récolter ...
A few suggestions of light burn or deficiencies, but it was only this one bud with symptoms, so I'm taking a punt on this.
It was the bud on the branch with the fourfold leaves, so maybe that affected it in some way
Looks like phosphorus deficiency. I would check your PH and make sure its in check, If that good then see what PPM's are coming out when you water. It looks like you might of locked out phosphorus by having to many nutrient salts built up in the soil. You have a minor nutrient burn( tips of the leaf's go yellow/brown)
Ola amigo tudo bem?
Não consigo dizer te ao certo o que pode ser isso. porque pode ser varias coisas.
Mas ainda bem que removeste esse bocado.
Fica atento a ver se nao aparece em outro lugar da planta.
Já agora parabéns pelo cultivo a abraço