any base "can" work. You want to becareful if gives off a Na+ ion when dissolved, like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Occasional use is not a problem, but i'd be concerned about buildup if used all the time. if religious about runoff and using it doesn't cause a problem, it should avoid buildup and through observation can confirm there are no ill-effects on plant.
Don't buy a brand labeled "pH Up" or "pH Down". These price-gouging bastards sell those over-priced products that are ubiquitous and readily available in other sources of equal or better quality.
Check label and go buy the same damn thing down the the molecule for 1/10th the price.
has plenty of options... what i'd pay attention to is a soil amendment that can avoid the problem in future, if you mix it into soil or soilless substrate, like garden lime, which will also provide some Ca. The danger of using something that also adds nutrients is the balance that has resulted in current grow... will adding it alter what you need to do going forward? just things to think about and watch/observe after any change in behaviour.