Hi , the damage on the Leaves look to me like lil burnings, like waterdrops were on the leaves and lights went on... and burning like a loupe the Leaves. She will recover. as you ar using aorganic prefertilised soil, that is rich in Nutrient you wont have to do any feeding before she hits flowering stage. If she grows very vigor and shows some yellowing in the older leaves is your sign to start feeding her. Its always the best to give half of the recommend amount, to look how she responds to the Nutrients. Automatics have a short lifecirclee. I mostly dont feed them in vegetation and start in transition stage to flower.You can give them beneficals like aloe, humic acid silicea , spirulina , molasses, calcium magnesium to keep them fresh and healthy. In my diary "cookies for me" you can find reciepes for benefical drinks for your plant.... you can drink the drink too^^ every living creature needs the same benefical stuff...i use to drink my mixes too, i just add some fruits and alittle essential oil if i do that for me