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Hey guys, after a few weeks without any problems, ...

SubBudstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hey guys, after a few weeks without any problems, this starts happening after a few days of giving them good water with terra bloom, sugar royal, cal/mag, green sensation and almost every 2 weeks a bit of bat guano. Could it be that the effect of leaf's be a water problem or mor
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Leaves. Other
SubBudanswered grow question 3 years ago
Feeded them daily for one week almost 1 l water with. The soil is orchid's mixed with vermiculite and coco's. The pH after adding all nuts is 6.8, sometimes I put a little bit of lemon juice to drop it. Yes they are not stretching that much anymore, like now they are almost 30 cm at week 13. They stretching like 2 a 3 cm each week. I use a lumatek pro 200 at distance 40 a 50 cm at 100%. I don't have a ppm meter, so couldn't measure it.
gREEn7o0answered grow question 3 years ago
Need more intel.. Leaves look kinda droopy almost like overwatered, which also causes deficiencies. Are you in soil or coco? Guessing from other grow log probably coco, maybe? Reason I ask that is to rule out overwatering as I hear coco is nearly impossible to over water. I hear you want to run 20% runoff to wash out salt build up, I don't run coco but I'm sure someone will correct me or confirm. If it is soil you are running that may be an overwatering issue. 2nd question is the ph of water and of the nutrient solution. Asking to rule out the possibility of ph lockout. Next is what stage are your plants at. It looks like early flower from that pic, just want to confirm that. If that is the case have they finished up the stretch? Last question is what ppm are you feeding the girls, and how often? Just want to see if they are being over/under fed for the point they are at. Hope you get them sorted, and if you send some more info we may be able to help narrow it down for you. Good luck.
PEACEMAKERanswered grow question 3 years ago
That's a beautiful project my brother, but she definitely getting some burn 🔥. Tapper back on nutes and you'll see her blow up. Good luck 👍
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WeedManiacLoveanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey men, que bellos van esos cogollos, pero lo que veo son las puntas de las hojas se están empezando a quemar y están en forma de garra hacia abajo podría ser una sobrefertilización. Te recomiendo regar solo con agua a 256PPM y 6.3pH . ¿Cuanta cantidad de agua? ... La necesaria para que drene por la parte de abajo. A el agua que sale por abajo del macetero le medirás el PPM y si esta entre 700PPM y 1300PPM esta bien, si esta mas alto entonces tienes muchos minerales en el sustrato y debes regar solo con agua de nuevo en el próximo riego, de lo contrario subir la dosis de P y K A el agua que sale por abajo del macetero también medirás el pH y si esta alto en el próximo riego lo haces bajo, y si esta bajo riegas con uno mas alto. Con esa técnica saber los valores de PPM y pH de tu sustrato.
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