Hmmm... I think you'd need to get in a lot closer to really see the trichomes... and I think the yellowing of the leaves is due to not having nutes for the last 10 days. When seed companies give you a harvest window, it really is just a suggestion - I often find I need to go much longer. If you don't have a microscope or some other way of looking more closely at the trichomes, and you feel she's done, go ahead and harvest her - the high will probably be more cerebral than body so if that doesn't bother you, go for it. On the other hand, she looks like she's in great condition (save for the yellowing leaves) so if you want to extend her, I'd do that, too! Get her back on nutes for another 2-3 weeks, trim off those yellow leaves and then give her a major flush (3x the size of your pot so if you're growing in a 3 gallon, give her 9 gallons), let her dry out and then harvest.
The call is really yours to make - you'll not be wrong with whatever you decide!