Thank you very much for the advise,
After just 1+ hour with water they start to look normal again, very fast recovery!
So it was def underwatering that was the problem.
Now my question is as following, since i prepared them for flowering:
1.Should i add on to the recovery time of supercropping and stress training?
2. Should i let them enjoy the water i just gave them now, and same amount tomorrow morning? (Like
@PremiumbudsEU said)
3. Should i finish todays watering with the double(or how much more?) to have run off, in the bottom of the pot ( Like
@Organoman said)
Conclusion for now:
1.My plants need more amount of water (I need to reach around 1liter pr. plant(10liters of coco soil) pr. 3 days)
2.My plants need to get gradually more water pr. watering (Working my way up to 1 liter)
3.When i get to the correct point of water, it should make run through
4.Keep letting the pot dry out before watering again
(5. Add Alga-mix to spray the leafs 1-2 times a week((What should the ML to Liter be))
Should i add some to their feeding as well, maybe half dosage?
And also, thank you very much to both of you! Once again growdiaries and it's community has proven itself very helpful <3