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Uso pH perfect micro grow Bloom advaced nutriens

CURATI_DA_SOLOstarted grow question 3 years ago
Uso micro growne Bloom pH perfect advaced...dice di utilizzare 4 ml per ogniuno di loro fino alla fine ma mi chiedevo come mai considerato che in fioritura la pianta richiede meno azoto?!? Come mai devo mettere 4 ml di grow ancora?
Week 6
Feeding. Schedule
Kmikaz420answered grow question 3 years ago
Le principe des nutriment en 2 ou 3 partie c est de pouvoir ajuster le grow et bloom selon la phase de la plante en veg tu met 3 ml grow / 1 ml bloom Et en floraison tu met 1ml grow / 3ml bloom (les dosage été pour te donner un exemple Perso j utilisé cette gamme et en général je met 2ml par litre d eau de base et en flo tu rajoute big bud..overdrive..sensizym..si tu a des question passe me voir j y répondrai avec plaisir
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Selected By The Grower
CURATI_DA_SOLOanswered grow question 3 years ago
Ho seguito i vostri consigli e anche il mio "sesto senso"
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
Ezzjaybrush is speaking facts, in fact some brands will recommend you flush the medium every 2 weeks using their products because the feeding ratio to advertise are just way to strong and if you wash all the problems they originally cause it mean you will use their products more wastefully and then buy more. There is one user on here that goes by the name NobodysBuds, and they have a great understanding of N use in flower and veg. and If I can recall correctly the amount of N does not change all that much from flower to veg when they calculate it all. Cannabis feeding/fertilization are also marketed towards people who maybe confused about some of the options and this is why there are 10+ bottle feeding programs vs legit shit you mix into the medium. Making you think you need a lot more when you don't, then theirs the issue they are selling a diluted version to yourself vs the pure cut. Use an TDS pen and monitor your EC to avoid any potential buildup and lockout from excess feeding is the best advice I can give yea ATM. don't need to use their feeding ratios and the plants will love it. Best Of Luck and Happy Growing! ***disclaimer, multiple people are answering all questions as there is a contest called GOTM, when a user is selected as the answer they get a point. Please see the contest page for information regarding the details: growdiaries.com/giveaways/GotM-August-2022 Please note, when you reply to anything on the questions part of Growdiaries website, no one will be notified of this. Not even if you use a "@" tag in their name. Best to reach out to them in DM using your inbox, it can be found in the bottom right hand corner of the site. It's the small paper airplane button, it will be highlighted green if you have new messages***
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Most nutrient dosages aren't written for growing cannabis... they're written for "ordinary" plants.... you've got excellent instincts here... they DON'T need a lot of nitrogen when they're in flower (they do need SOME, however!)... Some of the other nutes you're using (the Grow and the Bloom) has some nitrogen in them (at least enough for the flowering stage), I'd get rid of the Micro! Trust your gut! It's telling you the right thing! Good luck!
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
And money.. do not forget it’s a company trying to turn a profit. Truth is their priorities are like this #1 money - -blah blah - #56 - consumer growing the best possible plant with our nutrients
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DutchDoobieanswered grow question 3 years ago
High Dany, Look and learn from the growers that are using or used those nutrients already. I will send you the link from the original page from your nutrients on the growdiaries website. So that you can look at the diaries from succesfull grows with harvests. And just see what amounts they used during growing and blooming. You can look at the grow and bloom nutrient seperated. All the nutrients that you use are listed in this page with a lot of diaries attached to them! Here is the link: growdiaries.com/nutrients/advanced-nutrients Happy Growing! 😋
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