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Is there anything I can do to save these clones?

Db6969started grow question 2 years ago
I uploaded yesterday about my clones I’m going to upload some more picture to see if they have improved any. Today I have given a small dosage of nutrients. I’m just not sure if I may as well give up and start again or if to keep going with them…
Leaves. Curl down
Db6969answered grow question 2 years ago
They did have a few roots when I planted into these pots as I used a jiffy but maybe your right I did it a little quick. Lesson learnt haha thank you all for your advice x
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
forgot: A lower vpd slows transpiration, which is what we want while it has few to no roots. This is the whole point of a humidity dome, but high ambient RH% will have same effect too.
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 2 years ago
Think of your plant like a straw. When you cut a clone, there are no roots to uptake water and if the plant stays in good growing conditions, the leaves are sucking at full force and the "straw" collapses. Yours have roots, but still small and not able to support the amount of transpiration the upper part. The bottom hole of the straw is open, but only a tiny hole and if you suck hard (good normal grow environment) it will still collapse. Only when your roots have developed seriously (bottom of the straw is fully open) do you want to have your plant in ideal conditions. Then your plant is able to uptake as much moisture as it's losing through the leaves. What it looks like has happened is your transition was too quick. You need to slowly go from very humid and cool to normal conditions with clones. Your leaves are clawing because the plant is losing moisture faster than it can absorb it and not from lack of moisture in the soil, but the lack of ability to drink. Up your humidity, they probably don't need the dome, but definitely more humid than where they are now. Don't water or feed if the medium stays moist, you want the roots damp, but not soaking, but your main concern is humidity. Also in this case I would advise against cutting dying leaves off. It's your plant's fat reserve and it's eating them to stay alive, the more you take off, the less it has to draw from and the faster your plant will die if you don't fix the problem, so you're just giving yourself less of a window to recover in.
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
These have roots or no? If they have roots, treat like a seedling/immature plant with light mix of nutes needed. Few roots = few nutes. If not rooted after 2 weeks, all is not lost, but i would not count on them. Take more from the mother plant just in case. Keep your process simple until you have consistent success, then add any sophistry you want. Most of it only causes you to lose money, lol, but some of it does speed up process. If you form a good expectation from a simple process, you will more easily see whehther a new product used actually helps much or just more new clothing for the emperor. It's a fairly big cutting, not a problem, but those will probably show more nute issues over time than a smaller cutting. It needs more per day, but slow flow of nutes is the same for big and small cuttings => some vascular tisue you exposed with no roots is all that is begin taken into plant early on. Controlling VPD, pH (temps are part of vpd), will be the 2 biggest factors for sucess. Make sure substrate is flufy and airy... O2 helps root development. 70/30 for coco and 50/50 for peat or soil => perlite, or similar will make o2 no problem and overwatering nearly impossible unless you sit there for 10minutes running water through it.
AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 years ago
that plant was a brawn stick with no life , weed is resilient plant if you know what to do and don't do everything at one time. i rooted without any agent, all good with dipping into cinnamon as root agent = all good with scraping stems and soaking in water - all good create plan and follow it read about : ph importance and what it should be pot size and transplantation you will need toping most probably, so read about it very important, how often and how many to water and when/who much feed enjoy growing, just be consistent and patient !
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
I'm going to message you through this site. It will make your airplane in the lower right hand corner turn green. Just click on it and it I'll open your messages.
Db6969answered grow question 2 years ago
Ernesttwwg I did have her in a dome for the first two weeks but then them became too tall and the lid didn’t fit so I took them out, they have grown roots I had them in jiffy’s till rooted then potted them. But will try putting dome back over see if that helps. Thankyou
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
Mist her with water and put a dome over her. Clones need lots of humidity for the first 2-3 weeks of their independent lives, since they can't take up as much water as they need. On account of them having no roots, at the time. No need to give them any nutrients, either. Not until they develop roots, at least. Also, no direct light. It helps dry the clones out quick. You want indirect light, which is another reason why you want domes over the plants. I use cloudy plastic, like milk jugs, as domes. I hope this helps.
Db6969answered grow question 2 years ago
Growinggrannie I starting giving nutes because someone on one of my posts said you should always give nutes when there in coco, I honestly don’t know what else to do I’ve tried drying out, I’ve tried feeding till I get run off and now I’ve tried giving them nutes yet there still clawing… They have only gone down hill since I took them out of the grow tent, if I was to put them back in with the mother which is on 12/12 lights would that mean the clones will start to flower? I’m beginning to think it’s because they aren’t in a proper grow tent
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Glad to see you trimmed off those lower leaves.. they weren't doing much of anything for her! Am a little concerned the upper leaves are still clawing AND that you added nutes ... the clawing leaves, I believe I said yesterday, can come from one of three things: over-watering, under-watering, too much nitrogen. Since you haven't updated your diary with any information on the nutes you're giving her, it's impossible to say what is causing the clawing... But DON'T give up on her!! Whyever would you want to?! Photoperiods are so much easier to deal with than autoflowers... they don't have a specific time they HAVE to do anything so you've got an open calendar of when she should go into flower and when you'll be able to harvest her...keep her going! But you have to figure out why her leaves are clawing - she's desperately trying to tell you that something is wrong, so pay attention to her and what she's saying. It's easy to update your diary weeks, btw.... if you open your diary, scroll down just a little bit and you'll see a button that says "edit week" and you can add pictures, add nutes, change conditions, add more comments... that would be awfully helpful to us! DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!
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