Yes hermies are female plants that develop male, pollen-producing staminate features at some stage in the female flowering process. Many garden plants, fruits and vegetables also show hermaphroditism and so does Cannabis.
In a frantic last effort to produce seeds for the following spring, the female cannabis plants may produce pollen. Often this may happen at the very end of the flowering cycle. Even though this maybe too late to turn any of it’s own delicious bud into seed, the hermie produces pollen in the hope that it will find its way to immature female flowers on another plant nearby. Hermies are an occasional natural survival mechanism, one last shake of the evolutionary dice to procreate before death. Hermies can also be encouraged by small stress stimuli in the plants environment.
If you do find seeds at harvest and she did produce matured seeds, I highly recommend against trying to grow these hermie seeds, as it's very likely they'll have the same problems as their mother.
I would make hashish or cannabis butter from the buds that had seeds in them. This way the seeds do not effect the smoke and buds.
Enjoy your harvest!