
Help with my auto please

Apple_Jack514started grow question 2 years ago
I have an auto flower under 1000w led and wondering what I did wrong. Had it under 24/0 until it bloomed but I bloomed super early and wondering if I could stretch her more in any way?? No nutes used.
Plant. Too short
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Growing at 24/0 is a mistake, all cannabis plants NEED sleep to finish their photosynthesis cycle and have a properly functioning metabolism. A plant with an incorrectly functioning metabolism will never grow to its full potential. 18/6 is optimum. Now that your plant is flowering, there is nothing you can do to increase its size/height in any great degree, only the flowers will grow from now on. The MYTH that it is ok to grow any cannabis at 24/0 needs to be removed from history asap!
Selected By The Grower
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
It’s highly likely that’s not an actual 1000w light. Stretch period is pretty much in the books but you may get a few more inches outta her. Agree with organoman - 24/0 is a mistake. This idea I’ve seen of late that 24/0 during Veg is ok but dark period is necessary in flower for autos makes no sense either. But keep yourself a dark period for sure.
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ClydeGrowsanswered grow question 2 years ago
She will stretch very little now she is already flowering, and you do not want to utilise any of the usual techniques now for the same reason- she doesn't have time to recover. Maximise your yields by making sure all bud sites have light and air flow, and maximise the light especially by using an app such as photone and getting them as close to light without it being overkill.
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Without a diary, there's not much we can tell you. I've grown lots of autoflowers under 24/0 and theyve been quite happy. Perhaps your lights were too close to them which means they didn't NEED to stretch to get the light? Maybe nutes would have helped give them the food they needed ... maybe the temperatures were too cold and that stunted them... maybe the pH was off... there's a lot of different things that could have resulted in your issues but without a diary, we can't know what those causes are... Good luck - next grow, start a diary!
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