I agree with PiusWaxis here and Ezzjaybruh... it looks pretty overfed yet you have no information on the nutes you're giving her, if any... but what the little dots are showing is a calcium deficiency - which MAY be caused by a nitrogen toxicity (plants do look very dark green) or a pH that's not at a good level (again, no information on that in your diary) - the pH needs to be maintained between 6.0 and 6.5 for a healthy grow in soil. If you can't fix the situation that caused the deficiency, it won't help even if you throw a whole bottle of calmag at her... she won't be able to get at it.
But all of this may not be anything to even try to do something about because you've topped a plant that hates anything more stressful than LST. While some are able to successfully top an autoflower, they can do it because they know how long the veg period is for the strain they're growing... but if you don't know that and don't know WHEN it's going to go into flower, you can't plan on providing it with sufficient time to recover and it's all over before it even starts. MOST autoflowers will go into pre-flower between week 3 and week 4 ... I hope yours isn't one of them...
Good luck...
and p.s... if you think you've got fungus issues, you would need to do a little more than just trim off the leaves... fungus spores go everywhere, they don't just stay on a leaf that can be tossed in the bin..