so, the leaves are showing symptoms and you think it cannot be nutrient related for what reason? adjust your perception of things.
More than one thing causes burnt tips... and overwatering generally is not one of them. you get puffy leaves, maybe some dead spots in middle if prolonged behaviour...
irrigation habits.. assuming good dainage qualities you simple water until entire pot is wet in soil o 10% runoff in soilless. in soil you may not fertilize every time but in soilless you should. if you do this at the same weight, it'll require same volume of water to get the job done. As long as you let enough water get taken up before re-irrigating, you cannot overwater. ppl fertigate 3x per day in coco with 25% loss of weight (called dryback, but it's not "drying" much at all hopefully) without ovewatering symptoms... this should tell you enough. without sizing pot to plant size for multiple fertigation context, i'd wait fo at least 50% loss of water-weight before re-irigating. in soil it's safer to wait for top 1" deep on top is dry before re-irrigating. You need proper drainage qualities to push frequency.. even pot size to plant size ratio matters...
A good ratio of nutes will work on 95% of strains.. if your mix shows overtime it does not do this, it requires a slight adjustment. time will tell... track and observe plants and slowly figure out something that does work 95% of the time in your paticular set of environemental variables.... seasons may change what is needed if you don't tightly control temps and rh etc... (fwiw, even light is an environemtnal variable despite me only using temp/rh as example of cause for different rate of feeding, but ratios should be simila if pH is similar relative to stage of life)
plants are picky about esoteric ratios of fertilizers... there are ratios that wok better than others as far as compatibility... can you use some exotic ratio on a certain genetic and get a discernably positive result by comparison? maybe? lol. .but no home grower has the sample size to know that for sure and certainly not if relying on eyes and memory of past experiences.