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Come mai sono totalmente diverse pur essendo la st...

SpartacaZstarted grow question 2 years ago
Come mai sono totalmente diverse pur essendo la stessa genetica non si assomigliano per nulla ma nemmeno mezza foglia...incomincio a pensare che il seme di destra e un po' più vecchio dell' altro per he lo avevo da 2 mesi in più PS erano free seeds
Week 5
Plant. Other
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
Do some reading on cannabis seed genetics. It’s like children from human parents. Having same parents does not mean the progeny will have the same genetics. I do not share same DNA with my siblings, tho I do share the same parents. PS - just because a seed was created earlier in time does not mean it will grow bigger. For example - I have 3 year old seeds that will begin the process of life when they are germinated, same as some 2 week old seeds fresh from a plant. Time starts once germinated
Selected By The Grower
Whiteybulger1814answered grow question 2 years ago
I wouldn't worry, different seeds have different phenotypes and they're all different just like anything else in nature, that's why you hear of people phenotyping or phenohunting to get the best genetics possible and traits the desire, such as a plant that really bushy or has a lot of arms and that grows taller, faster and has a flavors they want....Just let them do their thing I just recently had a issue in my tent where the runt wasn't thriving and took a turn for the worse so I chopped her down to prevent pests and such...Good luck they look good so far....
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CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hola. Todos los seres vivos somos totalmente distintos. Hasta las personas mellizas o gemelas tienen algo que la diferencian.te das cuenta que una planta va a tener mejor crecimiento al momento de germinar. No te preocupes por tus plantas, son diferentes pero tienen algo en comun, que estan saludables y fuertes.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
You can get a batch of 10seeds. And they'll all more or less show different traits but will more or less have the same type of leafs. Depending, as I said. Phenos can't be predicted. Even if they are of the same strain.. you'll never get the same results. Fems can more often than not be more a like than autos as you control the flip.. and height of nodes by way of defoliation during veg, (fems I'm talking about) And that also. If you have took any leafs, (defol) that also has a change in how your seed will grow. To get the same results. Pick 1 and take a few clones of it before you do the flip of course. Can be right up until then. Then you'll be able to more or less have the same results and so on if environment and feeding was the same. Take clones off both before flower By the time they flower you can decide which has the best calyx-leaf ratio. A lot of factors come into play. My point. Good luck pal
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