could be from the LED (common occurence), or it may need a bit more P ... but, if it's just the ones in strong, direct light, i'd chalk it up to LED-caused.
petioles -- red or purple in stems would be sulfur. important distinction when diagnosing this. if petioles, it's P-related. If stems, it's s-related. a leaf chart with symptoms clearly displayed helps immensely.
looks like you are in soil, so it's more of a guessing game.. maybe bump component withmost P and try to increase it by 5-10% (label values weighted by concentration adding up to a 5-10% increase) the less you chnage otherwise the better for determining impact while not causing other issues. give it 1-2 weeks to see impact...
again, if only on top leaves closest to light, i'd chalk it up to intense LED light. but, a 5% bump isn't going to cuase any catastrophic issues if yo want to slowly test it out.