

zeppelin1312started grow question 2 years ago
Perche alcune foglie hanno macchie di brucciature? (o non lo so che cosa siano) ma tipo -vedi foto- ci sono piccole macchie gialle. Non in tutte le foglie. Troppa luce? O troppa fertilizzante?
Week 4
Leaves. Edges burnt
Newbie87answered grow question 2 years ago
You have been feeding bloom too early. You don't need it until they actually start to flower. Also try bringing you ph down to 6.5, 7 is a bit high & no more bloom until she's in flower. Make your next 2 watering just that & ensure your getting a 10% run off each time.
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Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
Your new grwoth is healthy.. these are one of teh early sets of leaves (3-fingered) ... so, i'd hesitate to react to it too soon.. but do keep an eye on it. If i had to guess, you may need a bit more K.. see some paling happening along edges of serrated tips of leaves... and, the leaves are curling up slightly... again, i'd hold off, because new growth looks fine and sometimes the earlier leaves are just ugly. Any hint of further progresssion, then go ahead and react to it. leaf symptom chart that explains the difference between mobil and immobile nutes and various visible symptoms related to each.. -- Find something like that in your native language. As you reference it, you learn it. You get better at diagnosing issues. But, those first 2 sets of serrated leaves often have blemishes that you never see again as the plant matures. Always good to rule out pH issues and consider recent fertilization habits. Some symptoms overlap...
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Ctrellis90answered grow question 2 years ago
Nutrient burn. But not bad. Just back off the nutes a little and she should bounce back for ya. Hope this helps.
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