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Control de pH (principiante)

BENY_TRUBYstarted grow question 2 years ago
Tengo unas plantas automáticas en crecimiento que estoy regando con un ph 7,5 aproximadamente + estimulante de raices y voy a empezar a usar fertilizante orgánico para grow. Utilizo suelo organic, ¿alguien me puede indicar si es necesario utilizar algún corrector de ph en mi caso
Feeding. Other
Growstickanswered grow question 2 years ago
PH 7.5 is high, but if you add any nutrients to it, it'll quickly drop. As someone as said already, "living soil" doesn't require too much effort with regards to PH management, but if you just have "Plant Magic" organic soil or whatever out a bag, it's still going to eventually push the PH too high. If you can use rain water then that will lower the PH. If you use a dehumidifier, the water it pulls out the air will be lower PH as well. When you use nutrients this will also bring the PH down, as I said, so all in all those cases you're fine. But if you're just straight watering for the next few weeks, you might want to invest in a small bottle of PH down - a little goes a LONG way with that stuff so you only need a droplet in a huge bucket of water.
ggiollaanswered grow question 2 years ago
I advise you to acidify the solution a little. the ideal range is between 5.5 and 6.5. to acidify if you don't have any ph corrector you can use drops of lemon juice to add to the water, then test the solution with a ph tester. you can use this solution for a few days, while you buy a ph down. lemon juice kills both bad and good bacteria in the soil so it is not recommended to use it for long periods of time.
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
When in living soil, pH doesn't matter near as much as people like to think.
UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
il ph serve per aiutare la pianta ad assorbire i nutrimenti in una coltivazione minerale le micorizze fanno lo stesso lavoro in una coltivazione bio quindi non è cosi' importante è piu importante supportare la vita del terreno
Schneidersitzanswered grow question 2 years ago
Die Erde kann, wenn sie organisch gedüngt wird, auch einen höheren PH Wert vertragen. Wobei es nicht schadet den PH Wert zu korrigieren. Wichtig ist, dass das Bodenleben aktiv bleibt wenn du organisch düngst. Das heißt es ist wichtiger das das Wasser z.B. chlorfrei ist, die erde die richtige tenperatur hat etc
Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yes ph is extremely important. The dome is not needed once ot opens up. It can encourage mold and rot if on too long. Anyway your ph controls absorption ability of roots. .1 is a big difference for a plant. Should also test run off to get reading of soil ph
Newbie87answered grow question 2 years ago
Take the humidity dome off, you don't need it once she's sprouted & ideally get your pH down to between 6.2 to 6.5. Goodluck
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