Hey friends! I’m getting some droopy leaves. The wildberry cake has had a bit of a droop for a while. I don’t think I’m over/under watering. Could this be pot size? I was hoping to not transplant. The tips are curling down too. Maybe nutrient heavy?
The clawing is a nitrogen toxicity. You'd need to flush with 3x the pot volume with pH'd water and when you go to feed them again, drastically cut back on the nitrogen-heavy nutes.
I think you're growing in a .75 gallon pot? If so, WAY WAY WAY too small. The SMALLEST I would recommend is a 3 gallon... your plant is going to be root bound quickly if it's not already and you're going to have a massive struggle getting her across the finish line to a harvest.
Good luck..
It’s pretty universally accepted that when the tips turn under like that on just the tip (only the last 10-20% of the length of the finger) it’s excess nitrogen.
And if you like small pots.. do your thing man. I’ve done plenty of small container (1gal) grows.. obviously limiting yield tho
Das stimmt so nicht. N-Tox würde sich mit ausgetrockneten Blattspitzen zuerst zeigen bevor N toxisch wird, würde man auch Wölbungen auf den Blättern erkennen. Nach unten gebogene Blattränder (Klauen) deuten auf einen falschen Turgor Druck hin und das kommt von zuviel Wasser.
as others have said, N tox, and those babies are rootbound for sure. I know 2x2's are kinda small, so if I were you, I'd grow one plant in a 3-5gal fabric pot. hope this helps!
I agree with most below:
To much nitrogen and small pot, a transplant would be good and less N in the feed for now should help it out. long time excess N will cause the leaves to be brittle. Hopefully its a photoperiod and not an autoflower and they can go into shock quite easily from transplants.
Good Luck!
Da ist nix überfüttert. Das ist zu viel Wasser. Hast du eine gute Drainage? Da darf kein Wasser drin stehen. Lass den Topf erst einmal wieder leicht werden, dann gieß die Pflanze alle 3 Tage mit bis zu ca. 1/3 vom Volumen des Topfes an Wasser. Also bei einem 3 Liter Topf gießt du mit 05-1 Liter Wasser. Die Pflanze muss es schaffen in 3 Tagen alles zu trinken.
I haven’t fed them since I popped the seed. I only used half the recommended dose of all purpose. I’m well into flower now, will transplanting will do more harm than good at this point? How are people finishing solo cup grows being such small pots?
Yes, over fed and yes, pots are way too small, they will limit growth severely.
Pots about 20 litres/5 gallons are what I would consider as minimum size.