
How is it going?

SlaveDeliciusstarted grow question a year ago
Good morning, I wanted to ask if my mimosa bruce banner xl auto is proceeding well,40cm and 31 days because I have seen several diaries and it seems small compared to the others, will it produce little? what could I do ? and in flowering?
Plant. Other
Storkanswered grow question a year ago
Right now you can't do anything much, starting pre-flowering, it was me I would just cut the bottom 2 or 3 nodes and let the plant focus the stretch on the top but still I don't know if you will make 50 gr max 🧐
AsNoriuanswered grow question a year ago
Bigger pot, better temp and humidity aka VPD, better light aka ppfd , better TLC ;)))) Even watering practice ( plant tall, all pot still not soaked , roots dont develop in dry pockets ! ) And most prob many more ;))) All the best in trying, we all DO, nothing comes easy !
SkunkleDamoanswered grow question a year ago
Start a diary it would help a lot more. What light are you using. How far away. How tall is the plant. It does look stretched. It has what looks like five nodes at least so 30 days from seed isn't bad. A good rough timeline to go by is Day 1-7 germination Day 8-14 seedling Day 14 ish it enters veg stage. You normally get 2-6 weeks of that. When little white hairs start you are in flower and count 7-12 weeks strain depending . Lighting rule of thumb is ppfd of about 3-500 for your current stage. Download a free app called PHOTONE that measures your ppfd/light intensity. Put a diary with all this info and more. It's easy and it will get you better help
Dolfomanswered grow question a year ago
Tout à l air d aller bien, ta plante est même pas mal étirée, peux être ta lumière est trop forte et trop haute. Mais sinon ça va 👍
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