It can handle an irrigation just fine. You shouldn't mist the soil or plant to water it. Use the roots, that is their function. don't overthink it :P
Before it sprouts, you can use a dome of some sort to hit 'pause' on evaporation, then as it sprouts remove dome and you should have 3-5+ days before it needs an irrigation even if it's in a little jiffy puck That is plenty for it to handle an irrigation. you'll see roots before you need to irrigate i bet.
I do not wait as long for the first irrigation as i do on ensuing irrigations as far as how much dryback i want. I err on a bit early for the '2nd' irrigation and won't wait for the top to truly dry. I don't want any roots air-pruning in the lil seedling pot or jiffy puck.
What you are doing now is going to promote superficial roots if the surface is consistently moister than deeper in the substrate. Roots turn toward moisture - a mechanic of how they automatically grow. You want the top drying before the inner portions and that olay happens consistently if you water the entire pot, then wait for top to dry to repeat. You mist here or there or try to coddle it, you only get less than optimal root growth.
Keep it simple. If you thnk at any point you need to dedicate a bunch of attention or effort, chances are you are overthinking it. In short bursts we may need to manicure or do specific tasks, but the day-to-day stuff like irrigation and fertigation should be easy. don't make it hard, unless that's what you enjoy of course.