
Fast flowering photos

Blazin420growsstarted grow question a year ago
How well do fast flowering photos perform in yield? How well do they handle veg hst.
Buds. Other
Techniques. HST
BudBoutiqueanswered grow question a year ago
Hey buddy, Fast-flowering photoperiod strains can offer good yields while also being amenable to high-stress training (HST) during the vegetative stage. Fast-flowering photoperiod strains often perform well in terms of yield, despite their shorter flowering time. While they might not produce as much as some longer-flowering strains, their faster growth cycle allows for more frequent harvests, potentially resulting in comparable or even greater overall yield over time. In terms of high-stress training (HST) during the vegetative stage, these strains generally handle it quite well. Fast-flowering strains tend to have a robust growth pattern, and their shorter vegetative phase means they can recover from stress more quickly than longer-flowering strains. Utilizing techniques like topping, super cropping, and LST can help you shape and maximize their canopy for improved light exposure and bud development. However, keep in mind that any stress-inducing techniques should be approached with care, especially if it's your first time training plants. Monitoring their response closely and adjusting your approach as needed will ensure a successful outcome. Ultimately, fast-flowering photoperiod strains can offer a balance between yield and speed, making them a popular choice for growers seeking efficiency and productivity. and most important thing: HAVE FUN and its not always about yield just go with quality as well :)
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
Q: How well do fast flowering photos perform in yield? all depends on the environment and its genetics. Can expect it to be the same as any other photoperiod plant. Q: How well do they handle veg hst. All depends on the stain, some handle it better but should be the same as any other photoperiod plant. One thing to note. Some fast flowers may in turn grow into autos, as they are not always locked in. Good Luck!
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
sorry i got autoflower stuck in my head, but same logic applies.. simply about time to grow. "fast" doesn't mean their rate of growth is faster, just ripens and finishes faster. any loss of yield is mitigated by a slightly longer vege period... in teh end the traits related to bud size and density are more important for yield. shorter flower times have benefits... consistency of flower time has more benefits.
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
the 'faster' they flower the lower the yield... time matters.. genetics has it's normal volatility too. some are more productive than others, all other factors remaining the same. high stress is always a chance to stunt a plant or cause early flower. that's devastating for an autoflower yield context. with 1-2 plants, probably get away with it more times than not, but if you run several, you will more likely see 1 or 2 that get fucked up from stress... sample size will matter. i've only seen a few plants stop growing due to bending them over. Saw one pop some funky leaves as if it re-veged (definitely did not revege), due to too-early sress of training. how long an autoflower 'veges' before it flips the switch internally will be the biggest correlation to yield on an auto. figure like a photo, when you see the preflowers it flipped 7-10 days before. it takes time for new anatomy to grow. you'll see that that length of time corresponds very closely to the yield of a photoperiod with same vege period length and similar physical traits as far as bud size and density.
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question a year ago
They’ll yield quite similar to a standard photoperiod. Simple as that. You veg it longer, you’ll yield more. I topped mine and they did just fine with it. The key to HST is recovery time, and seeing as they’re not on a timeline like autos, you can always recover from any stressful training while in Veg
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