

Tmasmstarted grow question a year ago
Tratamento para aranha ácaros.Eu corto todas as folhas com marcas, contém ovos, e mesmo ácaros, reduzido assim 80% da praga, depois borrifar com água oxigenada diluídaComo faz?
Week 9
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Tmasmanswered grow question a year ago
Algumas opiniões contrárias Mas probema resolvido com meu método 1 semana de tratamento, dias seguintes, reitero agumas folhas com marcas, para prevenir, mas tudo bem com as plantas. 2 de recuperação, plantas sofreram com desfolhar, mas curadas vão recuperar com o tempo.
Robertsanswered grow question a year ago
I use neem oil to kill the ones i had last time. Every 2 to 3 days I sprayed heavily everywhere with neem on plant. I let it sit about 30 mins. Then I rinsed it off. I did this for a week or 3 treatments. The process will kill off, and make them unable to breed as it's going. Just return plants to dry during dark times.
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question a year ago
Para mi opinión tu planta está en un estado muy delicado. Es cuestión de 2 semanas como mínimo para recuperarse. Creo que se recuperará pero su producción se verá afectada. Rocía tu planta con aceite de neem 2 veses por semana para prevenir.
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
Spider mites are a pain in the ass to kill. You need to nuke them with a pesticide containing Pyrethrum, that shit kills em dead. I would not have taken as many leaves off the plant as autoflowers can go into shock easily from stress. If they start flowering in the next week or two it might have been from this defoliation. in the future you can use a hose and spray the plants down outside, and even a simple soap and water mix will knock off most of the mites. plus it will keep the leaves on the plant and more leaves = more energy = more growth. Side note, you plants look to be getting to much nitrogen, might want to dial it back for a bit. IDK if its in need of a flush but its an option for down the road should it get worse. Good Luck!
AsNoriuanswered grow question a year ago
If persons blood is bad, noone drains it out. So your move with defoliating auto that way is insane in my mind. You heal, not hide. Golden rule.
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