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Checking the ph I found something that concerned m...

Farmboyconnorstarted grow question 5 years ago
Checking the ph I found something that concerned me . Ph going in is always around 5.8-6.2 , I checked the ph of the runoff and it was 7 . What is the problem here, should i be worried?
Week 8
Feeding. Other
Vincent11answered grow question 5 years ago
Hi Farmboyconnor Man she looks great well done. Fruitgrower is absolutely right about preparing your soil before harvest. Or you can easily get Ph regulating soil like bio-bizz or similar soil. They have self regulating Ph adjusting formulas. The substrate has to be homogeneous and contain the right elements for the pH to be neutral (of about 6.5). Remember that the substrate is one of the key elements for a successful crop. pH is much more stable in organic substrates, as they contain a number of natural elements that regulate acidity and alkalinity, keeping them low and acting as a buffer that protects the root system. In order to avoid pH issues. How to Adjust your soil levels. If your PH level is more than 6.5, you will need to lower the PH level for your soil to make it less alkaline. Like with acidic soil, to lower the PH soil level, you will need to add fertilizer, which can be done by merely using mulch and compost-enriched soil. Also, you don’t even have to buy your soil as you can use soil enriched mulch from your outdoor garden. As a result, all you have to do is transfer your prepared soil, from your outside garden to your indoor cannabis growing operation. The downside to using your own, enriched, soil from outside is that it takes a long time for the mulch and compost soil to lower the PH. But, regular mulching and composting will eventually make your soil less alkaline. Other methods for raising the acidity of your soil is listed below: Elemental Sulfur: Adding elemental sulfur to the soil is the most straightforward and typical way to lower PH levels. Sulfur is inexpensive, spreadable, and moderately safe to handle. A significant drawback of elemental sulfur is that it takes a long time for the sulfuric acid to make your soil less alkaline. How quick it will work depends on the following: a.) How small are the sulfur grains. b.) How much soil moisture is present. c.) Temperature of the soil, and any bacteria that may be present. The time at which sulfur will start working to lower PH depends upon the above, and it even can even take up to a month for the sulfur to be absorbed into the soil and for it to start working its magic. As a result, aluminum sulfate instead of plain elemental sulfate is most often used to reduce the PH. Aluminum and Iron Sulfate: Aluminum and iron sulfate act very fast in making your soil less alkaline based. However, use aluminum and iron sulfate soil can be damaging if it is overused. Also, you need to be extra careful to make sure that any aluminum or iron sulfate does not come into direct contact with the leaves, and if they do come in contact, you need to be sure to wash off the leaves thoroughly. Fertilizer Containing Acidifying Elements: Adding fertilizers, which contain elements, such as, ammonium nitrate, amino acids, ammonium sulfate, or sulfur-coated urea will raise the acidity of your soil. However, this is not a quick fix, and it will take time for the PH levels to be decreased. Hope this helps. Good luck Growing
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Selected By The Grower
HighRoller909answered grow question 5 years ago
never worry unless they are showing signs of problem.runoff ph 7 is OK,almost no salt buildup,thats good. if you mean feeding solution ph changing from 5.8-6.2 , you are still in tolerable range,try to keep it at 6.2 and this will help plant absorb the best and reduce soil ph in time if you are too concerned about it.
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
This is meaning your soil is very alkaline. And cannabis likes acidic soil. So my suggestion would be to add some limestone and water it in. Or make another soil mix with limestone/meal in and transplant. 🌱👍Hope this helps, I adjust my soil before growing.
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